
Are you wondering if it's worth it to rent a storage unit? Check out how you can find the right space and maximize the unit.


3 Tips To Help Keep Your Storage Space Mice-Free

31 October 2016
 Categories: , Blog

It is important to keep your storage unit free of rodents and other pests, as they can infest your storage area and cause damage to your possessions stored inside. Here are three tips to help you keep your storage unit free of mice. Use Rodent Repellent It is a good idea to use preventive steps to trap and repel rodents inside your storage space. You can set bait traps, leave poison pellets around the perimeter inside, and even install a sonic rodent repellent if your storage space has an available power outlet.
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What To Do With Your Stuff When You’re Downsizing

28 October 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Downsizing to a smaller home can be beneficial for many reasons, including lower financial strain and fewer spaces to clean. But figuring out which items to keep for your new space can be a bit of a challenge. Here are some ideas on how to get rid of your stuff. Create a Space Plan for Your New Home One of the first things to do is create a space plan for your new home.
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Can You Remove Items from a Storage Unit During a Divorce?

26 October 2016
 Categories: , Blog

A common question that comes up when two people get a divorce is whether they can take belongings out of a shared storage unit. The answer is not a simple yes or no, unfortunately. There are a couple of legal factors that affect your ability to remove property from a self-storage unit before or during divorce proceedings. Here's what you need to know to avoid breaking the law or causing problems with your separation.
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Storage Unit Tips: Preventing Moisture Damage

26 October 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Moisture damage is one of the main things that people worry about when it comes to using storage units. This is mainly because of the devastating effect that moisture can have on valuables such as paintings, pictures, electronics, mattresses, furniture, and clothing. The fact that it also encourages termite infestations, corrosion, mold attacks, and mildew growth only serves to make it a priority as far as taking preventative measures is concerned.
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About Me
Get the Most Out of Your Storage Facility

My name is Emma, and I have religiously used storage units for 10 years now. People use storage facilities for all kinds of reasons, including to store items during a move and to keep items that they want to sell until they can find the right buyer. I'd like to tell you some facts about storage space that you may not have considered but that can help you with your storage needs. I'll let you know how to find the right space, how to get a deal on a storage space and various ways you can maximize your storage facility to your benefit.